How To Treat Acne At Revolution Aesthetics
28st October, 2020

Acne and spots are something almost all of us experience to some extent during our lives, and for some people, it’s just a case of waiting for it to pass. However, for many people who suffer from more severe acne, it can seem disheartening and give your confidence a knock when you don’t see your skin improve, no matter what you try. Also associated with acne is acne scarring, which can last for much longer than the active acne itself. At Revolution Aesthetics, we see many patients from all over Cheshire and South Manchester, including Altrincham, Bowdon, Wilmslow, Alderley Edge, Macclesfield, Hale, Prestbury and Knutsford, who struggle with acne and acne scarring. Our team of medical and aesthetic experts are passionate about creating incredible, effective treatments that actually make a difference to our client’s skin and help them feel happier, bolder and more confident in their own skin.
To find out more about what may be causing your acne, as well as the incredible treatments we can offer you to help improve the appearance of acne and acne scars, keep reading!
Causes of Acne and Acne Scarring
Acne can occur at any age, but is most common around puberty, due to the fluctuations in hormones at this age. Certain changes in hormonal makeup can cause oil production glands next to the hair follicles to increase oil and sebum on the skin, which in turn triggers normally harmless bacteria on the surface of the skin to become more aggressive. This is what causes inflammation on and under the skin’s surface. Hormones also cause the inner lining of the hair follicle to become thicker, which makes blocked pores more common.
Most people will experience some kind of acne, especially during their adolescent years as a result of these hormonal changes. There are several different types of acne, some of which are more common than others, and vary in severity:
- Blackheads are small black or yellowish bumps that appear on the skin.
- Whiteheads look similar to blackheads, though will not ‘pop’. Both blackheads and whiteheads are generally painless.
- Papules are small red bumps that can feel tender or sore.
- Pustules are similar to papules, but have a white centre and are caused by a build-up of pus.
- Nodules are large hard lumps that are beneath the surface of the skin. They can be very painful.
- Cysts are the most severe type of spot caused by acne. A cyst is a large lump that looks similar to a boil, and carries the highest risk of leaving lasting scars.
When you pop spots or acne breakouts burst, it causes an injury where the skin has split and ruptured, making scarring more likely. Acne scarring can be frustrating and long-lasting for many sufferers, and it can take a toll on your confidence just as much as active acne can.
ZO Skincare For Acne and Acne Scars
At Revolution Aesthetics, we are passionate about the Zein Obagi skincare range to help give our clients amazing results that really make a difference to them. Zein Obagi (sometimes known as ZO or Obagi Skincare) is a medically developed skincare range that is only available from medical professionals, such as dermatologists offices or a clinic environment. Because of this, the ingredients and formulations used in ZO products can be much more highly concentrated and effective than over the counter skincare. There are ZO products available to treat a wide variety of skin conditions, including acne and facial scarring. ZO offers a complete line of products specifically formulated to target acne and scarring, and prevent future breakouts of blackheads, papules, pustules and cysts. Our team of skin experts work closely with all of our clients to find ZO skincare solutions that work perfectly for them, and to create a skincare routine based around their needs.
We love ZO skincare for both acne treatment and scarring, but also to promote healthy skin in people who don’t suffer from acne. It can be customised to treat whatever skin concerns you have, including pigmentation, anti-ageing, dullness and more.
ZO Chemical Peels
As well as supplying our patients with ZO products for use at home, we also offer clinic only skin peel treatments from ZO. Skin peels work to deeply exfoliate the top layers of skin, usually using a skin-safe acid formula, causing the top layers of skin to peel off over a few days after treatment. We offer two skin peels of varying depths - the Ossential Stimulator Peel (a lighter depth peel with minimal recovery time) and the 3-Step Peel (a slightly deeper peel with more dramatic results). As well as treating acne and scarring all over the face, chemical peels can also treat:
- The appearance of large pores.
- The skin’s ability to repair and renew, by increasing collagen production.
- The texture of leathery or sun-damaged skin.
- Skin damage from pollution and free radicals.
- Dullness in the skin.
- Fine lines, wrinkles and lax or drooping skin.
- Uneven skin pigmentation, melasma, brown spots and age spots.
- Damage or scars on the surface of the skin.
- Loose or thin skin that needs strengthening and tightening.
Mesotherapy For Acne Scars
Mesotherapy, or skin needling, can be used to effectively treat the scarring that may come hand-in-hand with severe acne, by increasing collagen production in the area. Mesotherapy has been used for many years in aesthetics and involves using a variety of tiny injections to create ‘micro-injuries’ in the skin. These micro-injuries will heal within 24 hours, however the wound-healing processes of the skin are kickstarted, and continue to have an effect for a much longer period of time. Mesotherapy is ideal for acne scars as it offers targeted wound repair and skin regeneration benefits, so that scars of all types can be treated, including:
- Ice-pick scars – Deep, narrow scars with a pitted appearance.
- Rolling scars – Wider depressions with edges that have a gradient.
- Boxcar scars – Wider depressions with edges that are more sharply defined.
- Atrophic scars – Flat and thin scars.
- Hypertrophic or keloid scars – Thicker, raised, lumpy scars.
While mesotherapy has brilliant results for acne scarring and other facial scars, we don’t recommend mesotherapy for active acne breakouts, however, as it can transfer bacteria to different areas of the face, causing further breakouts.
To find out more about how to treat acne, the options we offer at Revolution Aesthetics, or to book your consultation with our highly experienced medical team, get in touch today!

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